8th WorldKLEMS conference in Tokyo, March 2025

On March 27-28 2025, the 8th World KLEMS conference will be held in Tokyo. It will be organised by Tsutomu Miyagawa, Tomohiko Inui and Miho Takizawa (all at Gakushuin University). The conference will also be supported by Hitotsubashi University RIETI. A call for papers for this conference will follow soon. The World KLEMS conference will also be combined with a special conference on “Ageing and Economic Measurement” by the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth on March 24-25 in Tokyo (and a day excursion in between both events). Both conferences will be held at the International House of Japan in Tokyo. The website with more information on this event is now online.

Call for papers

Please submit your paper before 30 September following the instructions on the conference website.

Topics for Call for Papers

  • Development and Applications of Industry Data: Growth and Productivity Measurement
  • Updated KLEMS Data in Each Area (Africa, Asia, CIS, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America)
  • Intangibles, Human Capital and Natural Resources
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
  • Regional Economy Using KLEMS Data
  • International Supply Chains and Global Value Added
  • Productivity Studies Using Micro-data
  • Productivity Movements after the COVID 19 Pandemic Shock

7th AsiaKLEMS, 2026

The 7th Asia KLEMS conference will be held in 2026. A definitive date and place has yet to be determined, and you will be kept informed. Further information on this event will be posted on this website.