
Call for papers: 8th WorldKLEMS conference Tokyo, March 2025

Date: 8 July 2024

Please submit your paper before 30 September following the instructions on the conference website.
Topics for Call for Papers

  • Development and Applications of Industry Data: Growth and Productivity Measurement
  • Updated KLEMS Data in Each Area (Africa, Asia, CIS, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America)
  • Intangibles, Human Capital and Natural Resources
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
  • Regional Economy Using KLEMS Data
  • International Supply Chains and Global Value Added
  • Productivity Studies Using Micro-data
  • Productivity Movements after the COVID 19 Pandemic Shock

8th WorldKLEMS conference Tokyo, March 2025

Date: 13 May 2024

On March 27-28 2025, the 8th World KLEMS conference will be held, the second to be held in Tokyo.This conference is organized by Gakushuin University, Hitotsubashi University, and Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). The conference will consist of a keynote speech by Professor van Ark of Manchester University, a panel discussion on Global Supply Chain and Productivity, a few plenary sessions and general presentations. Professor Kyoji Fukao(RIETI, Hitotsubashi University), Professor Richard Baldwin (IMD Business School), Professor Shujiro Urata (Waseda University) and Professor David Weinstein (Columbia University) will participate in the panel discussions. The moderator for the event will be Professor Tomohiko Inui (Gakushuin University). The website with more information on this event is now online.

Update Russia KLEMS

Date: 22 December 2023

In April the Russia KLEMS dataset will be updated. The new release of Russia KLEMS data will be presented at the XXV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

Announcement: Sixth Asia KLEMS Conference, June 12-13, 2023

Date: 27 October 2022

The Asia KLEMS committee invites papers for the Sixth Asia KLEMS Conference, “Productivity, Growth, and Resilience in the Asian economies”, to be held at the scenic hill station of Lonavala, southeast of Mumbai, India, on June 12-13, 2023. Authors are invited to submit Extended Paper Abstracts by November 30, 2022. More information.

Update India KLEMS

Date: 27 June 2022

The India KLEMS research team has published an article titled India's Post-reform Economic Growth: An Analysis based on India KLEMS Database, in the July 30, 2022, issue of India's prestigious "Economic and Political Weekly" (EPW). The EPW is a weekly peer-reviewed academic journal covering all social sciences, with a wide readership among Indian and foreign audiences interested in India's economic and political issues. The paper analyzes the sources of India's economic growth in terms of industry origins, input, and productivity during 1994-2018, comparing the pre-and post-global financial crisis periods.
The analysis, which uses the India KLEMS database, reveals that the market services sector remained the main contributor to the aggregate real gross value added (GVA) growth in both the pre- and post-GFC periods. However, the sector witnessed an erosion in TFP growth in the post-crisis period, whereas the manufacturing and agriculture sectors had a TFP momentum. In particular, the results show that the manufacturing sector contributed substantially to the aggregate TFP growth in the post-crisis period, even though its share in nominal GDP remained rather stagnant. The paper stresses the need for pro-active policies to support agriculture, manufacturing, and market services sectors, realizing their productivity and input (employment and investment) potential and facilitating growth-enhancing resource reallocation across industries.

Link to the article: Krishna, K L., B.N Goldar., A A Erumban., P.C Das., S.C Aggarwal (2022), Sources of India's Post-reform Economic Growth: An Analysis Based on India KLEMS Database, Economic and Political Weekly 57(31), 36-43. jstor link

Dale Jorgenson has passed away

Date: 27 June 2022

It was with deep sadness that we learned that Dale Jorgenson had died on 8 June 2022 at the age of 89. He was an intellectual giant whose contributions to economics were broad and deep. The World KLEMS Consortium would not have existed without Dale, who has been one of the leading scholars in developing the growth accounting tradition, and a driving force behind the World KLEMS' bi-annual conferences. John Fernald, Robert Inklaar, and Bart van Ark have written an obituary which can be read on the website of

Update 2022 Conference

Date: 11 June 2022

A preliminary program has been published. More information regarding hotel registration, conference registration, and conference deadlines can be found on the conference page.

Update 2022 Conference

Date: 25 April 2022

Papers have been selected to be presented at the next WorldKLEMS conference. We will follow up this week with final registration information. More information regarding hotel registration and conference deadlines can be found on the conference page.

Announcement next Conference

Date: 3 September 2021

The next WorldKLEMS conference is scheduled for 12-13 October 2022 in Manchester (UK). More information on this event will be posted on the webpage of the next conference.

Call for Papers

Date: 3 January 2018

The Fifth World KLEMS Conference will be held on June 4-5, 2018, at Harvard University. To submit a proposal for the Fifth World KLEMS Conference, please see the 'Call for Papers' document for submission instructions and more details on the conference. More information and call for papers will follow.

Announcement Fifth WORLD KLEMS Conference

Date: 3 November 2017

The Fifth World KLEMS Conference will be held on June 4-5, 2018 at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The meeting will take place at the Harvard Kennedy School. More information and call for papers will follow.

Preliminary Program Fourth World Klems Conference

Date: 3 May 2016

More information on the fourth World KLEMS conference, held in Madrid on May 23-24, is now available. This includes the Preliminary Program as well as information about registration for the conference and accommodations.

Call for Papers

Date: 3 December 2015

The Fourth World KLEMS Conference will be held on May 23-24 in Madrid, Spain. To submit a proposal for the Madrid World KLEMS Conference, please see the 'Call for Papers' document for submission instructions and more details on the conference.

Third World Klems Conference and RIETI World KLEMS Symposium

Date: 3 August 2014

The Third World KLEMS Conference was successfully held in Tokyo, Japan, by the Research Institute for Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI), on May 19-20, 2014. The theme of the conference was Growth and Stagnation in the World Economy. The Conference was co-sponsored by Hitotsubashi and Gakushuin Universities. The Third World KLEMS Conference was followed by the RIETI World KLEMS Symposium on Growth Strategy after the World Financial Crisis. Tsutomu Miyagawa organized the RIETI World KLEMS Symposium. Support for the reception was provided by the Japan Productivity Center.

Preliminary Program Third World Klems Conference

Date: 3 March 2014

More information on the third World KLEMS conference, held in Tokyo on May 19-20, is now available. This includes the Preliminary Program as well as information about registration for the conference and accommodations.

Announcement Third WORLD KLEMS Conference

Date: 3 October 2013

The Third World KLEMS Conference will be held on May 19-20, 2014, in Tokyo, Japan, and will be hosted by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). The conference will give special attention to KLEMS research in Asia, focusing on recent developments in China, India, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries participating in the World KLEMS Initiative. More information and call for papers will follow.

Photo Gallery of the First WORLD KLEMS Conference at the Harvard University

Date: 3 September 2010

A new addition is posted on the Worldklems website: a Photo Gallery of the First WORLD KLEMS Conference, which was held August 19-20, 2010 at the Harvard University.

Preliminary Program of the First WORLD KLEMS Conference

Date: 3 August 2010

Preliminary Program with papers and presentations.

Announcement by Dale W. Jorgenson of the First WORLD KLEMS Conference at the Harvard University

Date: 3 June 2010

The First WORLD KLEMS Conference will be held from August 19-20, 2010. The conference will take place at the Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The organizing committee includes Dale Jorgenson of Harvard, Marcel Timmer of the University of Groningen and Bart van Ark of the Conference Board and the University of Groningen